A dark background, labeled as background1, featuring two blurry, oval-shaped neon lights. The lights have a gradient effect, transitioning from blue to cyan to pink. The larger light is at the top left, while the smaller one is at the bottom right. Ideal for projects by Medina Informatik or any software development company.
A sleek pattern of flowing, undulating lines in gradient shades of blue and purple is set against a black backround 2. The lines form intricate wave-like shapes, creating a dynamic and mesmerizing abstract design reminiscent of Medina Informatik innovation.
Logo Consulting




Silhouette of an ancient Arab city gate with a central arch and crenellated walls, evoking the strength and innovation of Medina Informatik. The image is simple and monochrome, with a clean white design on a black background.
Silhouette of an ancient Arab city gate with a central arch and crenellated walls, evoking the strength and innovation of Medina Informatik. The image is simple and monochrome, with a clean white design on a black background.
Silhouette of an ancient Arab city gate with a central arch and crenellated walls, evoking the strength and innovation of Medina Informatik. The image is simple and monochrome, with a clean white design on a black background.



We help SMBs secure their business and enhance governance by achieving TISAX® certification and ISO 27001 compliance through our expert ISMS consulting services.



We help SMBs secure their business and enhance governance by achieving TISAX® certification and ISO 27001 compliance through our expert ISMS consulting services.



We help SMBs secure their business and enhance governance by achieving TISAX® certification and ISO 27001 compliance through our expert ISMS consulting services.

Code Review & Software Common Criteria


Prepare for future requirements: companies offering IT solutions to the European public sector must have products certified based on the Software Common Criteria. Our consulting service helps you achieve this through rigorous code reviews and compliance processes.

Code Review & Software Common Criteria


Prepare for future requirements: companies offering IT solutions to the European public sector must have products certified based on the Software Common Criteria. Our consulting service helps you achieve this through rigorous code reviews and compliance processes.

Code Review & Software Common Criteria


Prepare for future requirements: companies offering IT solutions to the European public sector must have products certified based on the Software Common Criteria. Our consulting service helps you achieve this through rigorous code reviews and compliance processes.

Data Protection(GDPR)


Ensure compliance with GDPR for companies processing customer data in the European Union, safeguarding privacy and adhering to stringent data protection regulations.

Data Protection(GDPR)


Ensure compliance with GDPR for companies processing customer data in the European Union, safeguarding privacy and adhering to stringent data protection regulations.

Data Protection(GDPR)


Ensure compliance with GDPR for companies processing customer data in the European Union, safeguarding privacy and adhering to stringent data protection regulations.

Illustration of a webpage surrounded by icons representing security, including a padlock, a warning sign, and check marks, indicating successful security measures.Illustration of a secure web page, featuring icons like a padlock symbol on a shield for security, a warning triangle for alert, and check marks indicating verification or confirmation. A large document is at the center with an ISMS icon behind it symbolizing settings. Presented by Medina Informatik Company.

ISMS Consulting

Enhance your business security and governance with our comprehensive ISMS (Information Security Management System) consulting services.

We specialise in helping SMBs achieve the stringent requirements of TISAX® certification and ISO 27001 compliance, ensuring your organisation meets international standards for information security.

Our consulting process begins with a thorough assessment of your current information security practices and infrastructure.

We identify gaps and vulnerabilities, then develop a tailored action plan to address these issues and align your systems with TISAX® and ISO 27001 standards.

We provide detailed guidance on implementing robust security controls, policies, and procedures that form the backbone of a secure and compliant ISMS.

Our experts assist you in documenting all necessary processes, conducting risk assessments, and establishing a continuous improvement cycle to maintain high security standards.

Throughout the certification process, we offer ongoing support and training to ensure your team is well-prepared to manage and sustain the ISMS.

Our goal is to not only help you achieve certification but also to build a resilient security framework that protects your business and supports long-term growth.

ISMS Consulting

Enhance your business security and governance with our comprehensive ISMS (Information Security Management System) consulting services.

We specialise in helping SMBs achieve the stringent requirements of TISAX® certification and ISO 27001 compliance, ensuring your organisation meets international standards for information security.

Our consulting process begins with a thorough assessment of your current information security practices and infrastructure.

We identify gaps and vulnerabilities, then develop a tailored action plan to address these issues and align your systems with TISAX® and ISO 27001 standards.

We provide detailed guidance on implementing robust security controls, policies, and procedures that form the backbone of a secure and compliant ISMS.

Our experts assist you in documenting all necessary processes, conducting risk assessments, and establishing a continuous improvement cycle to maintain high security standards.

Throughout the certification process, we offer ongoing support and training to ensure your team is well-prepared to manage and sustain the ISMS.

Our goal is to not only help you achieve certification but also to build a resilient security framework that protects your business and supports long-term growth.

Code Review & Software Common Criteria

As the European public sector moves towards stricter regulations, IT solutions providers must prepare to meet evolving standards.

Our comprehensive Code Review & Software Common Criteria service helps you align your products with these future requirements.

We begin with a thorough review of your codebase, identifying potential vulnerabilities and areas for improvement.

Our team then guides you through the Software Common Criteria certification process, ensuring your software meets the stringent criteria for security, reliability, and quality.

By partnering with us, you enhance the integrity of your products and gain a competitive edge in the European public sector market.

Our expert guidance and certification support enable you to navigate regulatory challenges with confidence, positioning your solutions for success in an increasingly regulated environment.

Code Review & Software Common Criteria

As the European public sector moves towards stricter regulations, IT solutions providers must prepare to meet evolving standards.

Our comprehensive Code Review & Software Common Criteria service helps you align your products with these future requirements.

We begin with a thorough review of your codebase, identifying potential vulnerabilities and areas for improvement.

Our team then guides you through the Software Common Criteria certification process, ensuring your software meets the stringent criteria for security, reliability, and quality.

By partnering with us, you enhance the integrity of your products and gain a competitive edge in the European public sector market.

Our expert guidance and certification support enable you to navigate regulatory challenges with confidence, positioning your solutions for success in an increasingly regulated environment.

An illustration depicting computer code with binary digits, a magnifying glass revealing a bug, a shield icon, and warning text. Cogs and an arrow complete the image, signifying cybersecurity processes and threat detection. Medina Informatik company’s Code Review & Software Common Criteria icon is also included.
A cloud icon with a download arrow in the center is surrounded by various interconnected icons. These icons represent security, communication, data, and internet concepts. Below the cloud, the acronym "GDPR" highlights data protection and privacy in line with Medina Informatik Company's standards.

Data Protection(GDPR)

In today's digital age, protecting customer data is paramount, especially for companies processing data from customers in the European Union.

Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is not just a legal requirement but also a crucial step in safeguarding privacy and maintaining trust.

Our data protection services are designed to help your business navigate the complexities of GDPR compliance.

We start with a thorough assessment of your current data handling practices, identifying areas that require enhancement to meet GDPR standards.

Our experts work closely with your team to develop and implement comprehensive data protection policies and procedures.

We assist in setting up data processing agreements, ensuring that all third-party partners also comply with GDPR requirements.

Our team provides guidance on obtaining and managing customer consent, maintaining accurate data records, and implementing robust security measures to protect against data breaches.